Thursday, January 13, 2005

Little Victories

Way back on Dec 19 I spoke at some length about pellet stoves and my attempt to glean enough information to make an intelligent decision. Yesterday, my pellet stove arrived, an insert version, as I have a fireplace that will accept such a unit. I would have had the damn thing last week but they sent me the freestanding unit which had to be sent back thus making the shipping company more profit. I am a do-it-yourselfer and I’ll be damned if I’ll pay someone a thousand bucks to install a stove. I installed a woodstove in the barn in only two hours. Pellet stoves need more care and attention than your run of the mill stove. The exhaust system must be sealed as the system is under pressure. Do you think I could procure the necessary parts to do the job myself? Nooooooo f-ing way, (think of Robin Williams doing the golf shtick.) All the HVAC suppliers will only sell pieces in given lengths, i.e. 10 ft of 3” stainless steel flexible ducting at over $200.00, I need 2 ft. The jobbers wouldn’t sell me 2 ft, they smile and say, “Let me do the job and I’ll guarantee it.” Sure they will do the job and charge me for 10 ft of SS flex and use two. I know how these things work. I found a small fabricator who is helping with parts and I am just going to love it when I am finished and sit in front of my cozy stove and have spent less than 200 bucks and have better quality materials than going to the contractor and busting more than a K. Little victories are what make life worthwhile.


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